Best in Rhodes2022
Welcome to the official page of the Best in Rhodes – Reader’s Choice Awards 2022, an open procedure for the identification of the best in Rhodes.
From 17/01 till 30/05/2022 you may vote for the Best in Rhodes!
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A small guide for candidates!
Are you representing a business, an institution, a civil society organization or an individual that should be a candidate for one of the Best in Rhodes 2022 awards?
If yes, then click on the button below to be transfered to the Candidates Support Center, where you may find useful tips and promotional material for you involvement to the procedure.
Executive Committee
Michael G. Kavuklis
Founder, CEO mgk.advertisingThe one that got the idea and runs the Best in Rhodes | Reader's Choice Awards
Katerina Stamatelopoulou
nettings agencyPublic Relations Officer
Maria-Eliza Theodorou
Lawyer, Appeals CourtOur Legal Advisor
Ioannis Papageorgiou
Director of Research at Rhodes ProjectOur Methodology Expert
Ioannis Iraklidis
Iraklidis & associatesOur tax consultant
Matina Hasta
Lawyer, writerMember of the Team